Sunday 2 May 2010

Sexist Adverts

Women, as if body odour and breath weren't enough for your husbands to contend with - you must make sure you don't offend anyone with your personal smell down below. Apparently, you must constantly be on guard against it! This advert is from 1950, which is only 60 years ago.

Learn your lesson from this lady...if you use the wrong soap you may get the dreaded 'Middle Aged Skin' and your husband will no longer take you anywhere. Don't let yourself go if you want to be able to leave the house.

Because if you're thin you'll always get a man.

No, not an advert for push up bras...

Thank god us women can use our hoovering skills elsewhere...what else would we do with our free time?

Housework can make us grumpy and unreasonable. Don't you dare ruin the evening for your men by being cross while they relax. Darn female hormones.

What a relief to know we have a purpose outside of the kitchen. Phew.

Use beer to keep your man happy, even when you disappoint him by burning the dinner.

Another one from Palmolive. This advert is from 1921. Remember women, if you don't keep your skin youthful your husband will leave you. And it will be your fault.

Women what do you want for Christmas? Kitchen appliances of course. We'll cry if we don't get them.

Because you can train a woman like a Pavlovian Dog.

"A man marries a woman because he loves her. So instead of blaming him if married love begins to cool, she should question herself." She needs to question her female hygiene and keep her allure.

"Take a look in your morning mirror. See the memory your husband carries with him day after day. Is it a magnet alluring enough to draw him right home night after night? Or do you spend your afternoons dreading that hated phone call, 'I won't be home tonight'
Use this soap to make sure your husband doesn't have an affair. Because remember ladies, if he does it's your fault.

Palmolive again. Thank goodness they are here looking out for us women.

This advert is from 1953. A small step for independence...we no longer need men in the kitchen to open the ketchup.

1952 - don't buy the wrong coffee. He gives you the responsibility of buying the shopping, you can at least buy the right things!

1961, only 49 years ago.

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